Why not . keep in touch

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Well Bushy was freezing today, but to my surprise there was no frost. It must be about a month since I've had a chance to get a skate and to get Bushy to myself was a real treat. It's just a shame you guys where not there to join in on the fun. I only stayed about an hour and had a great roll around. With any luck we'll all have a chance to get together soon for a skate before Christmas. Hope the head is better Kenny we'll hook up next time. Did you get a chance to hit Unit 13 Eamon?
Well its Sunday morning and its freezing out but i don't see any frost so is any one up for a quick roll around Bushy? It might be a case of get down there have a look then head home but what the hell.What do you think Kenny? I'm leaving in the next 40 mins so drop us a line.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

i hate working all the time and to make things worse when i do go to post the bloody internet conection is on the fritz. But that being said i hope you all had a better week than i did, but on the plus side the weather forcast for tomorrow is sun so is anyone free to hit Bushy early? I need some cool vids so if you have any pass them on and we'll post them.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

BAM MARGERA compilation

Man Bam is off his head and he take some bad falls that would put us out of action for a year.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

X games super park mike rogers 2008

i love this guys style. Great park. We'll thats me stuck in work again all Sunday i hope you all get a chance to skate and if so drop us a line and let us know how you get on.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Best Of Rodney Mullen

Here is a vid from Kenny, Mr Mullen is something totaly different but still very cool. Is there anything he cant do with a skateboard

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Danny Way- Virtual reality

you never see this side of Danny Way. So Tec. Thats me just done three solid days of work, only two more to go. I hope your all having a better week than me.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

inverts trick tip on vert

There you go just like that, No problem ....

Monday, November 17, 2008

danny way

Here you go Kenny you think dropping in could be harder. Have a look at this. Danny Way is the man. Unit 13 is just outside Belfast i think, only about 2 1/2 hours or so from Dublin.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Weather 1 skating 0
Dublin sucks. How come we don't have an in door park? Is this the and of skating for the winter months already? We got to get up to Unit 13 for a good indoor session on wood. But i'm stuck in work for the next few weeks but i'd love to get up there before Christmas is any one up for it?

Friday, November 14, 2008

Glad to hear you got out to Swards Kenny, what do you think of the place? did you try to drop in? I'm sure it was a lot quieter than Bushy. The bowl is very slippy, i nearly killed my self last time i was there. I was hoping to get out this Sunday for an hour but the weather is not looking good. we'll have to make a call on it closer to the time, is any one free?

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Bucky Lasek - This Is My Element

man he's good. did any one get a skate last weekend?

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

air to fakie trick tip

Here is an easy one for every one to try who's up for it? i'll go second....only joking they make it look so easy. I am out of practise going fakie since they closed RampCity i'll have to try and get it smoother.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Just an update from north of the border. Today I went to unit13 to check on progress in the park and a GENTLE roll around to try and sort out my gammy knee. The guys have worked wonders in a week and have the small mini with spine, bank, roll in and extension finished.The bigger mini is nearly done and will have a bowled end added. The big quarter is finished, this leads to a volcano/bank and on to a large wall ride leading into the bowled mini. Hopefully next week will see all the ramps finished, its gonna be the best layout yet with lots of flow and ramps from abot 3 foot to the big wall ride maybe 10 foot.Check the pics or check on http://www.bogginzine.com/ for a virtual tour.Also some more good news - the concept bowl in the city centre is open again.

Friday, November 7, 2008

How to Drop In

Kenny here is your homework. Only joking has anyone else got any good tip video's

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Concept Bowl

Just heard from Eamon and he was saying that some ass lite a fire a the door at the concept bowl up in Belfast , lets hope there was no damage done.But i must say my next house has to have a barn with a ramp just like this one. If only i had the money.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Tony Hawk's Trick Tips - Board Setup

Here are somethings to think about when starting check this out Kenny.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Sunday was such a short session at Bushy, that its left me gagging for more. We where talking about hitting Cabra next time if anyone is up for it. It good to hear your thinking about a new deck Kenny. A new set up might be the thing you need to get you rolling like a pro.

Eamon payed a visit to Unit 13 on Sunday only to find that the park was closed because they where sifting thing around and Eamon thinks its going to add a lot more flow to the park. Maybe we should plan a road trip up to see him some tome before Christmas.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Kenny welcome to Old dogs old tricks, How was day one? I know it take a while but if you stick at it you'll love it. Once we get you into the ramps it'll blow your mind. Keep up the good work you'll get it.