After the flood two weeks ago unit 13 was getting a clean up today with volunteers brushing up and mopping and moving the ramps about a bit. It wasn't all work and no play as skaters made the most of the mess as you can see by jonys impromptu wallride. Hopefully the park will be open again next week.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Saturday, August 30, 2008
I'm a little stiff today after yesterday skate but it was great , need to do it again already. We had a great session on the pool tile's, man there are great i was always a little intimidated by them but now I've got to hit them every run and Eamon's carving is going from strength to strength. We've made a bowl skater out of him and he getting faster and faster all the time.
Friday, August 29, 2008

Well that's us just back from Bushy and man that was fun. Eamon made it down and it was carve, carve, carve. Loved it i finally tried a few early airs at the end of our session and they where OK now I've got to make them bigger. Baby steps. But Eamon is growing in to a bowl skater, he has started to find new lines and he's getting a lot smoother and faster.
Also Eamon found this great picture of the bowl that's being built up in Belfast it's looking good cant wait to his it a spin.
Thursday, August 28, 2008

Well i did it again I'm sorry i went to Scotland on a family holiday and was unable to do any new posting from there. But the good news is we're back and I've been in touch with Eamon and we're planning to hit bushy tomorrow morning. It should be good if the weather holds and the kids are in school. Cant wait as i never really got a chance to hit Transition Extreme skate park in Aberdeen but that's the way family holidays goes, and to tell the truth i was unable to take my new monster deck and it just didn't feel right to use another deck especially a new school deck.
Friday, August 22, 2008
We i finally made it to Bushy today and the rain staid off , who would of believed it. It's just a shame Eamon and Neil we unable to make it today.
But I'm loving the new deck, carving is addictive. Just cant stop and I'm finding new lines almost every time which is great. I never went near the pool tiles for some reason but now I'm starting to love them i even hit them front side once today. I think the new monster deck has a lot to do with it, the size just gives you so much space to play with even if your a little of balance there so much room you can just shift your feet a little and your back on track. The one down side today was that with no skate buddy there to tend to tire and i never tried baby early airs today so next time I'll have to pull the finger out. With any luck I'm going to try and hit Transition Extreme in Aderdeen, Scotland this week and man that a great indoor park.HUGE and it has a great monster bowl that got my name on. Here's a picture of the main park. The Bowl is in the top left corner of the picture at the back of the park raised up, it's a monster.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

We the weather forecast for tomorrow is "sunny intervals" so I'm going to Bushy baby. The only down side is that all my skate buddy's are unable to make it. So it will have to be just me and my MP3 player. Cant wait. I'm going to have a look at airs, Just small early airs to start of with and See how i get on but lots of carving. My new monster board rock and I'm starting to get hit a few new lines, its amazing how the bigger 10.5 wide deck gives me a lot more confidence. So size does matter after all.
Eamon still does not know how Unit13 is after the floods with any lick they wil be up and running soon.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Monday, August 18, 2008
Sunday, August 17, 2008

Well the weather men where wrong again! I was lucky today got to skate Bushy for about an hour and a half to day. Only 1 BMX, 2 little kid and another old dude Colin. Great to see another new face at Bushy. It was his first time there but i think we'll be seeing him again. I think he said that he was just back skating after a ten year break but he hid it well a great mini ramp skater but I'm sure he'll get his lines down in no time.
The only bad news today is that Eamon went to Unit13 today just to find that it had been flooded and he thinks there was some damage so fingers crossed they can fix it up. We're hoping for a quick roll around Bushy some day this week with any luck Wednesday. I'll keep you posted.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Friday, August 15, 2008

Eamnon past us on this great little video of the bowl that's being built up north behind a shop looks like its going to be great. We're sure there will be a ques all the way to the border to get a shot.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Looks like Sunday might be a bit hit and miss, we think Eamon wont be coming down this Sunday and Neil is off having fun. But we think Scott is still going to give it a try weather permitting.
Here a good how to drop in on vert by Tony Halk and Bam got to give it a try if we can muster the balls to try it.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Well another day another dollar and for your enjoyment we found a little vid from Skatopia as they say 88 acres of anarchy that's one crazy place we love the view of the bowl from the extension
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Well Eamon come up with a few pictures from our trip up north a few weeks ago and there cool. Eamon came up with the idea of a Skate trip to Blackpool. They are meant to of acquired a new wooden bowl and a full pipe, could be a blast. we're going to go looking for any cool pictures of the park and we'll post them as soon as we find some.If any one has some please pass them on and we'll post them.Don't forget we're planning to hit Bushy again this Sunday.
Monday, August 11, 2008

We are having a lot of technical problems with the Internet the last few days, so we're working on getting them fixed as soon as we can. As good as computers can be there also one giant pain in the ass.
But with that said we had lot of fun on Sunday down at Bushy. Eamon made it down from the north and we finally had a chance to road test the new decks and there great and we able to get this great picture of him. The weather was a little hit and miss 30 mins of skating then 5 mins rain, but Bushy dries out in about 10 mins so we where able to get a skate and that must of happened about 3 time. But it was worth it. Finger crossed we can do it all again this Sunday
Saturday, August 9, 2008

Well fingers crossed the weather will hold off and we'll finally get a chance to hit Bushy. The BBC weather says to expect "sunny intervals" What the that means is another story but we're going and that's that. So with Bushy in mind we found the only skate vid other than our own on YouTube its of a little dude we use too skate with in RampCity it quite an old vid so we wonder how he's getting on these days, get in touch little dude and we'll have a skate.
Friday, August 8, 2008
At some point we all take a hit to the hip from coping but to date this has to be the worse one in history. Man Danny Way is a skate god but that's one hell of a fall, but we're not sure which is worse this one or Jake Browns? you tell us.
P.S. Lets do our best to get to bushy this Sunday if the weather is up to it. With any luck we'll get to see how Scott's and Eamon's new decks handle the bowl.
Thursday, August 7, 2008
We found what looks like one of the coolest skate parks in the world. it's the super park from the XGames 14 and man it looks fantastic. Eamon sent us a picture of it a few days a go but because we where so busy we never got a chance to post it. But after a hour of watching YouTube we came across the practice session but it gives us a little teaser of what could be.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Oh one more thing Eamon sent us a great link to SCS Skate-TV it the Vans bowl and man that place rocks. Check it out
Sorry Sorry Sorry
Sorry about yesterday, some time's there is never enough time to do everything that you have to do. With that said it time to look towards the weekend and think about getting out to skate.
We found a great vid on YouTube today for you it some crazy dude with his own style of skating that is so out there you've got to love it. Make sure you watch it to the end and see his final trick, man that's good check it out,
We found a great vid on YouTube today for you it some crazy dude with his own style of skating that is so out there you've got to love it. Make sure you watch it to the end and see his final trick, man that's good check it out,

Sunday, August 3, 2008
That's it i quit I'm putting my decks on EBay
its been a week now and every night we say that it tomorrow we're going for a skate and that's as far as it gets. We got to work all week then when you dig your pads and deck out it starts to rain, then you wait another day saying tomorrows the day then something else gets in the way and it sucks. Is it always this hard. Man we're bummed need to skate and watching Mike V skate only makes it worse.
its been a week now and every night we say that it tomorrow we're going for a skate and that's as far as it gets. We got to work all week then when you dig your pads and deck out it starts to rain, then you wait another day saying tomorrows the day then something else gets in the way and it sucks. Is it always this hard. Man we're bummed need to skate and watching Mike V skate only makes it worse.
Saturday, August 2, 2008

Well this morning was a total bust. We got up this morning thinking to days a good day to hit Bushy and just as we where sitting in Starbucks getting some get up and go the heavens opened. So with any luck tomorrow will go a little better fingers crossed. If we can hit Bushy at 10.30-11.00 get an hour or two then home to the familys for lunch that would be great. It would give Scott a chance to test drive his new set up. Cant wait to see that monster of a deck and how well it handles the bowl.
Friday, August 1, 2008
Its late but here a great link
Eamon past us on the link to this vid a month or so ago and we loved it see what you think
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