The first sign that you have a problem is that when the ambulance driver is strapping you into a gurney and your first word to him as you slowly regain consciousness after being out cold frothing at the mouth and fitting in a pool of your own blood for 5 minuets your first words are "Am i alright to skate"
All we can say is that if it wasn't for that fact that's this is how our skate day ended thanks to Graystones lethal banks of Death you would never even think it was possible. But as poor sod Edd who had came all the way from the North just to almost kill him self just as we where padding up.
He rolled up the top of the banks twice and looked over the edge but we had no idea that he was going to go for it. What the hell...no one dose both banks....
But that's what he tried (tried is the word) now he's sitting in St. Vincents hospital with a head injury that almost 48 hours later still have the doctors worried.SO fingers crossed they'll discharge him over the next few days and he's make a speedy recovery, but what a day 6 hours sitting in A&E not knowing if he's going to make it or not.
So after 2 weeks yearning to skate we got about 10minuets wit John in Bushy and that's was it so with any luck we'll get together some time next week
All we can say is that if it wasn't for that fact that's this is how our skate day ended thanks to Graystones lethal banks of Death you would never even think it was possible. But as poor sod Edd who had came all the way from the North just to almost kill him self just as we where padding up.
He rolled up the top of the banks twice and looked over the edge but we had no idea that he was going to go for it. What the hell...no one dose both banks....
But that's what he tried (tried is the word) now he's sitting in St. Vincents hospital with a head injury that almost 48 hours later still have the doctors worried.SO fingers crossed they'll discharge him over the next few days and he's make a speedy recovery, but what a day 6 hours sitting in A&E not knowing if he's going to make it or not.
So after 2 weeks yearning to skate we got about 10minuets wit John in Bushy and that's was it so with any luck we'll get together some time next week
'Fight Club' claims ANOTHER victim
Greystones is gnarly & helmets are definitely a good idea
That said, it doesn't bother Dion:
(Its about 2/3 the way down this thread & he tried it FOUR TIMES!!!)
Edd is back home now, he's got a black eye and does'nt remember the fall,like his tatt says " no guts no glory" the kid has guts but did'nt half give us a scare... next time I hope we get to actually skate this park.
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